What Does Everyman
Believe to be The Root of
The Problem?

“As a man thinks, so he becomes.”
We believe that the thinking—the mind—is the root cause of all problems and is the reason the person is incarcerated. We will work in the belief that:


• There is no prison outside of the mind.

• There is no suffering outside of the mind.

• A person can be imprisoned by their mind whether they are inside or outside the wire.

• A person’s own attitude determines whether life is heaven or hell.

• There are people who are “free” for whom life is hell due to their thinking and resultant attitude.

• There are people who are incarcerated for whom life is heaven due to their thinking and resultant attitude.

• Any person’s attitude and life can be changed for the better by improving their thinking.

• That a good, positive, fulfilling attitude can be attained and maintained regardless of one’s outer circumstances if one is free from the mind.

• That Everyman can play its part in creating an enlightened society by helping to nourish the minds of those impacted by the prison process.

We believe that a good, positive, fulfilling attitude can be attained and maintained regardless of one’s outer circumstances if one is free from the mind.