These books have been written and designed by Everyman Foundation to help prisoners transform their incarceration into a period of inner growth, purification, and joy.

These books and booklets are available free of charge to all prisoners, the immediate family, friends and loved ones of prisoners, those who have been sentenced and those are about to be incarcerated.

These books are designed to help prisoners transform their prison experience into a period of inner growth, purification and joy.


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Author: Gerald Henry

The title of this book was inspired by Baba Muktananda’s Message To Prisoners. This illustrated book contains simple but powerful instructions on how to conduct a disciplined spiritual practice in prison. The practices covered include:

•  Meditation
•  Prayer
•  Contemplation
•  The Morning Pages
•  Chanting
•  Study
•  Breathing
•  Stretching
•  Yoga
•  Walking as a Spiritual Practice
•  Self Baptism

It is perfectly possible to turn the prison into a monastery or an ashram and to live life as a monk or a yogi. Your inner freedom and joy will grow daily—incrementally and cumulatively.

Author: Julia Cameron

Gerald Henry: I was fortunate to learn about the Morning Pages very early in my incarceration. This simple but profound spiritual practice played a pivotal role in my transformational experience. It is now 9 years since my release and I continue this practice on a daily basis.
Julia Cameron explains: The morning pages are three pages of stream-of-consciousness longhand morning writing. You should think of them as an active form of meditation for Westerners. In the morning pages we declare to the world—and ourselves—what we like, what we dislike, what we wish, what we hope, what we regret, and what we plan.Morning Pages map our own interior.
Julia explains that Morning Pages allow us to map terra incognita of our minds.
This booklet reproduces Julia’s full description of the how to unleash your inner powers using the Morning Pages. It also has suggestions from Gerald on how to use them safely in the prison environment.

Author: Gerald Henry

This book is a remarkable combination of words, poetry and illustrations. It traces (in the form of a fable) the journey of a man who falls from a great height, to find himself in a valley where he appears to be the most evolved human being. The irony is that he himself feels, and is, completely broken (hence his fall into the valley).

But, because he has fallen from on high, because he has been outside the valley, he has knowledge and experience the “Valley Dwellers” thirst after. Not only does he cry aloud for answers himself, but he finds the Valley Dwellers crying aloud to him for answers.

And he discovers something remarkable about the valley — when you cry aloud for an answer — the answer is given.

The “voices of the ages” are available at will — “Ask and ye shall receive”.

Sometimes you have to climb
What you see as your highest mountain
Only to get to the top
And see that it was not the highest mountain

But that it was something
That was between you
And the highest mountain
You will climb

But which you had to climb
Before you could see the real thing
And before you can begin your real climb
You must descend all the way into the valley

Author: Gerald Henry

The American Indian does not think of time in terms of minutes or hours but in moons and seasons. This booklet is a meditation on the nature of time and our part in the “Great Cycle of Life”. It takes the form of an illustrated eight page poem and is interlaced with the words of great spiritual leaders. It is designed to be a balm to the minds of prisoners and to encourage a transformational shift in their relationship with time.

By conscious effort of the mind, we can stand aloof from actions and
their consequences; and all things, good and bad, go by us like a torrent.
For the most part, we allow only outlying and transient circumstances
to make our occasions. They are in fact the cause of our distraction.

Nearest to all things is that power which fashions their being.
Next to us the grandest laws are continuously being executed.
Next to us is not the workman whom we have hired, with whom
we love so well to talk, but the workman whose work we are.

— Henry David Thoreau

All the rivers flow into the ocean but the ocean is never disturbed.
Life flows into the mind of the wise man, but he is never disturbed.

— Bhagavad Gita

Author: Gerald Henry

A beautiful, illustrated, eight verse prayer in which the the words of spiritual leaders are interlaced with a poetic commitment to God. This booklet is designed to be recited daily.

Verse 8

I hereby dedicate
my thoughts
my words
my actions
my works
my life
to my great creator
so that my life and
its fruits
may be worthy of
and reflective of


The words of the inspirational leaders featured on this website are all contained in this illustrated book which has been designed to be read as a daily source of inspiration.

We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.

It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.”   

—Nelson Mandela